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Recent Blog Posts 显示1 - 25 of 91 1 2 3 4 Caring For Your Lawn in the Spring 在每年的这个时候忽视你的草坪会导致一年四季都持续的损害. 因此, 重要的是要知道你必须做些什么来照顾你的草坪在春天,这样你就可以享受一个郁郁葱葱, green lawn all year, 每年. Don’t fret 然而; spring time lawn... Tips for Crack-Free Concrete Slabs 我们的行业以材料和工艺的质量而自豪. 我怀疑是否有商人在早晨醒来时对自己说, "Today I think I'll include some defects in my work.“那么,为什么我们认为混凝土板不受控制的裂缝是不可避免的呢?? It's a result that no one... How to Redo Caulk and Grout Like a Professional It doesn’t happen overnight, 但最终你会发现每次清洗浴缸和淋浴时, the caulk or grout just never looks as clean as it used to. That’s because over time, due to minute cracks and wear, moisture finds its way in allowing mold and mildew to take root. 通常,没有... Top Trends in Bathroom Remodels 去年进行浴室改造的房主报告称,对总承包商的需求强劲, a tech-forward focus on product choices, and an uptick in median spending prices. 为了确定今年最受欢迎的浴室选择,Houzz surveyed more than 2,570 American homeowners... Fall Home Cleaning Tips Summer is a crazy season of coming and going, with different activities and visitors, tons of sunlight, and plenty of energy to make the most of every day. In all that fun, housecleaning chores may be neglected, and fall can be a great time for a deep, thorough cleaning to restore your home and be... Choosing the Right Wood for Your Project As tempting as it may be, 在为你的项目选择合适的木材时,成本不应该是驱动因素. Typically, softwood such as pine and poplar are less expensive. 如果你在做一个简单的架子或做皇冠造型,这不是问题. If you’re building something that requires a... Window Maintenance and Screen Repair Windows are essential to bring natural light into your home, allow fresh air to circulate, and give you and outdoor view. Without the proper window maintenance and screen repair, 然而, 你的窗户可能会成为无用的眼中钉,甚至是安全隐患. 幸运的是, it is easy to keep your... Prepare Your Yard for Hurricane Season No matter what its projected path, expected strength, 洪水潜在, or cone of uncertainty, 看到飓风可能会向你的家袭来,你可能会感到神经紧张. 幸运的是, 在任何危险的风暴到来之前,为飓风季节做好准备是很容易的. When Is Hurricane... Roof Repair vs Roof Replacement: Which do I need? Replacing the roof is something that most homeowners dread. 2014年,全国拆除和更换旧屋顶的平均成本接近1.2万美元. 好消息是,这种费用不会经常出现. 无论如何,如果你开始注意到你的屋顶有问题,那么你... Construction Safety Meeting Topics for the Summer Safety training is essential for any contractor, 定期的安全会议可以与全体船员分享重要信息, 部门, 和工作人员. 选择夏季专门的建筑安全会议主题是季节性更新和更新安全程序的好方法, 但... July 4th Weekend Projects Every homeowner wants their home to look its best, and there are plenty of easy, 你可以在一个夏天的周末处理一些有效的项目来装饰你的家. 这些快速的项目对于7月4日的周末或者任何你想让你的家发光的长周末来说都是理想的. Why Do Summer Weekend... Common Lawn 问题 and How to Fix Them Your lawn is a key part of your home’s appearance and curb appeal, 还有郁郁葱葱的, 健康的草坪显示了所有权的自豪感和对财产的专注照顾. Even a well-maintained lawn, 然而, can develop problems. 幸运的是,许多常见的草坪问题也很容易解决,一旦你认识到... Painting the Exterior of Your House This Summer 粉刷你的房子的外观是一个机会,使你的家的外观和延长你的外观的寿命. 今年夏天,在你开始粉刷房屋外部之前,你需要彻底准备和清洁房屋外部. Make sure to repair or replace... Your Deck: Do-over or Makeover? If your old deck is looking worn and shabby, 你可能会想是时候拆掉它,重新设计一个新的桥牌了. While that’s a perfectly reasonable approach, 还有其他的可能更适合你的需求和你的预算. Depending on the condition of your existing... Getting your Deck Ready for Spring As soon as the snow melts and the ground is somewhat thawed, 这是开始为春天做准备的最佳时间. 这样,你就可以花更多的时间在温暖的夏日阳光下放松和享受你的甲板. Winter is often hard on decks; especially those made of all wood. It... Tips for Easier DIY When You Work by Yourself 在大多数情况下,许多家庭装修DIY项目可以独自完成. For many people, there is a lot of satisfaction and peace of mind from being able to lose yourself in a project; knowing that you did it all by yourself. There are, 然而, times when you could just use an extra hand.... How to Paint Brick Brick can be a lovely look in your home, 但暴露, 生砖并不总是你装饰视觉的最佳选择. 知道如何刷砖可以让你把任何经典的砖表面变成你梦想中的颜色. Brick in Your Home Brick is a classic exterior home finish, 但 can... 用中密度纤维板和模具封闭厨房橱柜上方的空间 If you’re like many homeowners, 厨房橱柜上方的空间够不着, too narrow to put another cabinet, or too difficult to paint and paper when the time comes. 通常情况下,你最后会在上面放一些小摆设,很快... Five Winter-Friendly Exterior Projects 当人们考虑装修房屋时,冬天可能并不总是他们想到的第一个季节. 然而, 冬季可以为房主提供一个很好的机会来改善他们的房屋,也可以为专业承包商提供一个全年忙碌的机会. 作为一个... Power Tools Every Homeowner Should Have Owning a home, means maintaining a home. In order to do so properly, 每个房主都应该有一个基本的电动工具库. If space is an issue, a homeowner should choose tools that are multifaceted, making the most effective use of the workshop storage space.... 厨房的趋势 Is your kitchen due for a makeover? 你只是想让空间焕然一新,还是想让它适应你家庭不断变化的需求? 这里有一些很棒的厨房趋势,可能正是你的烹饪空间所需要的. Top 厨房的趋势 to Consider There are many trendy options for kitchens of all... Revive a Room Using Color 任何房间如果多年不更新,都会显得单调乏味. You don’t need to do major renovations, buy all new furniture, or completely change around the room for a new look, 然而. 相反,你可以用许多简单而有效的方法用颜色来恢复房间的活力. What Color Does to a... Fixing a Leaking Roof Before Winter A leaking roof may not seem like a big problem during a long, 干燥的夏天, 但 as winter approaches, it is critical to make the necessary repairs. 在冬天来临之前修复漏水的屋顶可以使成本降到最低,并确保屋顶准备好应对冬季的冰雪. 问题... Best Projects to Finish Before Winter As winter approaches, it is a good time to finish a variety of home projects, both indoors and outdoors. 这些项目不仅会让你的家更舒适, 但它们也可以提高能源效率,让你的财产安全抵御即将到来的冬季风暴. 十佳... Home Organization and Storage Solutions 家庭组织和存储对许多房主来说是一个大问题. 我们中的许多人要么在一个不够大的空间里放了太多的东西,要么就是我们是那种从不乱扔东西的人. 不管你落在哪个桶里,你仍然需要一个地方来存放所有的东西...
Caring For Your Lawn in the Spring 在每年的这个时候忽视你的草坪会导致一年四季都持续的损害. 因此, 重要的是要知道你必须做些什么来照顾你的草坪在春天,这样你就可以享受一个郁郁葱葱, green lawn all year, 每年. Don’t fret 然而; spring time lawn...
Tips for Crack-Free Concrete Slabs 我们的行业以材料和工艺的质量而自豪. 我怀疑是否有商人在早晨醒来时对自己说, "Today I think I'll include some defects in my work.“那么,为什么我们认为混凝土板不受控制的裂缝是不可避免的呢?? It's a result that no one...
How to Redo Caulk and Grout Like a Professional It doesn’t happen overnight, 但最终你会发现每次清洗浴缸和淋浴时, the caulk or grout just never looks as clean as it used to. That’s because over time, due to minute cracks and wear, moisture finds its way in allowing mold and mildew to take root. 通常,没有...
Top Trends in Bathroom Remodels 去年进行浴室改造的房主报告称,对总承包商的需求强劲, a tech-forward focus on product choices, and an uptick in median spending prices. 为了确定今年最受欢迎的浴室选择,Houzz surveyed more than 2,570 American homeowners...
Fall Home Cleaning Tips Summer is a crazy season of coming and going, with different activities and visitors, tons of sunlight, and plenty of energy to make the most of every day. In all that fun, housecleaning chores may be neglected, and fall can be a great time for a deep, thorough cleaning to restore your home and be...
Choosing the Right Wood for Your Project As tempting as it may be, 在为你的项目选择合适的木材时,成本不应该是驱动因素. Typically, softwood such as pine and poplar are less expensive. 如果你在做一个简单的架子或做皇冠造型,这不是问题. If you’re building something that requires a...
Window Maintenance and Screen Repair Windows are essential to bring natural light into your home, allow fresh air to circulate, and give you and outdoor view. Without the proper window maintenance and screen repair, 然而, 你的窗户可能会成为无用的眼中钉,甚至是安全隐患. 幸运的是, it is easy to keep your...
Prepare Your Yard for Hurricane Season No matter what its projected path, expected strength, 洪水潜在, or cone of uncertainty, 看到飓风可能会向你的家袭来,你可能会感到神经紧张. 幸运的是, 在任何危险的风暴到来之前,为飓风季节做好准备是很容易的. When Is Hurricane...
Roof Repair vs Roof Replacement: Which do I need? Replacing the roof is something that most homeowners dread. 2014年,全国拆除和更换旧屋顶的平均成本接近1.2万美元. 好消息是,这种费用不会经常出现. 无论如何,如果你开始注意到你的屋顶有问题,那么你...
Construction Safety Meeting Topics for the Summer Safety training is essential for any contractor, 定期的安全会议可以与全体船员分享重要信息, 部门, 和工作人员. 选择夏季专门的建筑安全会议主题是季节性更新和更新安全程序的好方法, 但...
July 4th Weekend Projects Every homeowner wants their home to look its best, and there are plenty of easy, 你可以在一个夏天的周末处理一些有效的项目来装饰你的家. 这些快速的项目对于7月4日的周末或者任何你想让你的家发光的长周末来说都是理想的. Why Do Summer Weekend...
Common Lawn 问题 and How to Fix Them Your lawn is a key part of your home’s appearance and curb appeal, 还有郁郁葱葱的, 健康的草坪显示了所有权的自豪感和对财产的专注照顾. Even a well-maintained lawn, 然而, can develop problems. 幸运的是,许多常见的草坪问题也很容易解决,一旦你认识到...
Painting the Exterior of Your House This Summer 粉刷你的房子的外观是一个机会,使你的家的外观和延长你的外观的寿命. 今年夏天,在你开始粉刷房屋外部之前,你需要彻底准备和清洁房屋外部. Make sure to repair or replace...
Your Deck: Do-over or Makeover? If your old deck is looking worn and shabby, 你可能会想是时候拆掉它,重新设计一个新的桥牌了. While that’s a perfectly reasonable approach, 还有其他的可能更适合你的需求和你的预算. Depending on the condition of your existing...
Getting your Deck Ready for Spring As soon as the snow melts and the ground is somewhat thawed, 这是开始为春天做准备的最佳时间. 这样,你就可以花更多的时间在温暖的夏日阳光下放松和享受你的甲板. Winter is often hard on decks; especially those made of all wood. It...
Tips for Easier DIY When You Work by Yourself 在大多数情况下,许多家庭装修DIY项目可以独自完成. For many people, there is a lot of satisfaction and peace of mind from being able to lose yourself in a project; knowing that you did it all by yourself. There are, 然而, times when you could just use an extra hand....
How to Paint Brick Brick can be a lovely look in your home, 但暴露, 生砖并不总是你装饰视觉的最佳选择. 知道如何刷砖可以让你把任何经典的砖表面变成你梦想中的颜色. Brick in Your Home Brick is a classic exterior home finish, 但 can...
用中密度纤维板和模具封闭厨房橱柜上方的空间 If you’re like many homeowners, 厨房橱柜上方的空间够不着, too narrow to put another cabinet, or too difficult to paint and paper when the time comes. 通常情况下,你最后会在上面放一些小摆设,很快...
Five Winter-Friendly Exterior Projects 当人们考虑装修房屋时,冬天可能并不总是他们想到的第一个季节. 然而, 冬季可以为房主提供一个很好的机会来改善他们的房屋,也可以为专业承包商提供一个全年忙碌的机会. 作为一个...
Power Tools Every Homeowner Should Have Owning a home, means maintaining a home. In order to do so properly, 每个房主都应该有一个基本的电动工具库. If space is an issue, a homeowner should choose tools that are multifaceted, making the most effective use of the workshop storage space....
厨房的趋势 Is your kitchen due for a makeover? 你只是想让空间焕然一新,还是想让它适应你家庭不断变化的需求? 这里有一些很棒的厨房趋势,可能正是你的烹饪空间所需要的. Top 厨房的趋势 to Consider There are many trendy options for kitchens of all...
Revive a Room Using Color 任何房间如果多年不更新,都会显得单调乏味. You don’t need to do major renovations, buy all new furniture, or completely change around the room for a new look, 然而. 相反,你可以用许多简单而有效的方法用颜色来恢复房间的活力. What Color Does to a...
Fixing a Leaking Roof Before Winter A leaking roof may not seem like a big problem during a long, 干燥的夏天, 但 as winter approaches, it is critical to make the necessary repairs. 在冬天来临之前修复漏水的屋顶可以使成本降到最低,并确保屋顶准备好应对冬季的冰雪. 问题...
Best Projects to Finish Before Winter As winter approaches, it is a good time to finish a variety of home projects, both indoors and outdoors. 这些项目不仅会让你的家更舒适, 但它们也可以提高能源效率,让你的财产安全抵御即将到来的冬季风暴. 十佳...
Home Organization and Storage Solutions 家庭组织和存储对许多房主来说是一个大问题. 我们中的许多人要么在一个不够大的空间里放了太多的东西,要么就是我们是那种从不乱扔东西的人. 不管你落在哪个桶里,你仍然需要一个地方来存放所有的东西...
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